Yesterday, I received a job offer as a synchro-swimming coach for little girls. It's just to help Sole with her girls. I don't know if I'll accept it or not. It's not about the money. Dad told me it would be good for me, because I will have something to get distracted with, but I still don't know. I have until the end of this week to decide.
On other news, I started reading a new book. I've read just 20 pages so far and I'm already deeply into it. McEwan's words, ironic humor, literary expressions of love are really beautiful.
Finally, I told you two days ago that I was going to show you the portrait Erika made of me at the Comic Con. I know it doesn't look like much like me. The painting is way cuter, but still... And as I have a scanner now, here it is!
That's all, folks!
Cee Cee.
Hay tres cosas en mi mente que no me dejan enfocar mi concentración en mi estudio, qué terrible. Una de ellas es este trabajo. Las otras dos son secretas hasta para ustedes, mi público selecto.
Currently reading: On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan
Currently listening to: En mi memoria by Francisca Valenzuela
On other news, I started reading a new book. I've read just 20 pages so far and I'm already deeply into it. McEwan's words, ironic humor, literary expressions of love are really beautiful.
Finally, I told you two days ago that I was going to show you the portrait Erika made of me at the Comic Con. I know it doesn't look like much like me. The painting is way cuter, but still... And as I have a scanner now, here it is!
That's all, folks!
Cee Cee.
Hay tres cosas en mi mente que no me dejan enfocar mi concentración en mi estudio, qué terrible. Una de ellas es este trabajo. Las otras dos son secretas hasta para ustedes, mi público selecto.
Currently reading: On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan
Currently listening to: En mi memoria by Francisca Valenzuela
3 commentaires:
Precioso el dibujo neni!
Me pasaba por aquí para ver que tal te iba todo, pero veo que te va todo genial cariño, me alegro muchísimo de ello.
Ya veo que me has echado de tu vida :( jaja al no ser parte de tus amistades, te sigo queriendo muchísimo ehh ¡quiero que lo sepas!
Un beso cariño y cuídate muchísimo.
¡Mi vida! me alegra muchísimo leerte de nuevo juuuuu y tranquila cariño por lo del enlace, ¡ya ves tú! yo sé que me tienes presente en tu corazón de angel y eso me vale mi niña, al igual que yo te tengo presente todos los días de mi vida...
¡YA SABES QUE TE QUIERO! y lo haré siempre...
cami lindi, me encantó el dibujo c:
me hubiese gustado compartir más con ustedes en la comic con! :C
bueno ahi nos veremos!(ojalá este fin de semana)
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