
dimanche, mars 7

#66 - a place like no place on earth

I was planning on taking these on Friday (the day Alice in Wonderland was premiered in most places), but that day I was volunteering. And yesterday, I got up late (for me, that's at 10am), so the perfect lighting in my garden was already gone, so I set the alarm for today at 7am (usually I wake up when the alarm rings, but I stay in bed for extra 15 minutes), and Mitón, who was in my bed, woke up too and started licking my face, so I immediately got up. I put on my Alice in Wonderland dress (I have it because, last year I played Alice in a schoolplay), went outside and ta-dá!

Seriously, I can't wait for the movie to be premiered! FYI, in Chile, Alice in Wonderland was supposed to be premiered on Thursday, but because of the earthquake, most of the cinemas were closed, so they delayed the premiere until God knows when, but I hope it's soon, VERY soon. +

That's all, folks!
Cee Cee.

2 commentaires:

ignacia maría a dit…

jajaj, sí, me reí y me trajos muchos recuerdos del 2008 XD jajaj gracias<3 xd

Loki a dit…

Wuahahaha ella po toda una Alicia y la weá hahaha ta wenisima la foto la amé xP!!! Onda mejor que la de la pelicula 8( en la voláa que si :D
Bueno eso... sabes que tengo tuto xD!
Saludos y un abrazo!
